According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in March, nearly 7 in 10 Americans want the U.S. to take steps to reach net-zero by 2050, thus adhering to the Paris Agreement, and prioritize renewable energy over fossil fuels.


The survey also found that two-thirds of Americans believe big businesses and corporations aren’t doing enough to reduce the effects of climate change, while 58% feel their state elected officials aren’t doing enough, and 55% believe that the energy industry isn’t doing enough.

However, around 50% of Americans think they’re personally doing enough to help reduce the effects of climate change.

The survey also revealed that the majority of Americans are wary of moving completely to renewable energy, with 67% believing that the US should use both fossil fuels and renewables.

While 54% of Americans acknowledge that climate change is a major threat to the country’s well-being, there is a significant partisan divide, with only 23% of Republicans acknowledging climate change as a major threat, compared to 78% of Democrats.#

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