The 2023 Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum is set to take place from 25 to 27 April, gathering thousands of young leaders from around the world in person and online. The three-day event focuses on accelerating recovery from COVID-19 and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Youth Forum serves as the main platform for young people to contribute to policy discussions at the UN, where they can voice their opinions, concerns, and innovative solutions to deal with the challenges the world faces. This year’s programme focuses on issues key to youth, and also monitors progress towards achieving the SDGs, offering a unique opportunity to truly engage young people on issues that matter to them.

Young people’s ideas, solutions, and innovations will not only contribute to policy discussions, but also complement other key intergovernmental meetings to ensure the participation of youth voices across all areas. The event features talented youth speakers, high-level Government representatives, regional and multilateral organizations, and youth-led entities from all regions.

The outcome of the Forum will be an informal summary document of the proceedings by the ECOSOC President and a Presidential Statement, and the ideas generated will feed into preparations for the SDG Summit in September.

The ECOSOC Youth Forum is a key platform for shaping decisions and policies and promoting youth development to achieve the SDGs.

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