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Elon Musk’s involvement in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has been a topic of discussion for several years. He has been a vocal critic of unregulated AI development and warned about the dangers of AI surpassing human intelligence in the future. However, Musk’s latest move, forming X.AI artificial intelligence corporation, seems to contradict his previous statements.

The business filing that surfaced on Friday, indicating the founding of X.AI corporation, revealed that Elon Musk was listed as director. This new corporation is likely a rival to OpenAI, a company Musk co-founded in 2015 before stepping down in 2018. OpenAI has made significant strides in the field of AI, culminating in the development of ChatGPT, a bot capable of generating natural language text from short prompts.

Musk’s latest move comes as a surprise, given that he joined experts in signing an open letter calling for a six-month pause in the development of powerful AI systems. The letter, published on the Future of Life Institute website, argued that such systems pose profound risks to society and humanity, and the pause should be used to ensure their safety through regulation.

Critics have called the letter a “hot mess” of “AI hype” that misrepresented an academic paper. Despite this, big tech companies like Google, Meta, and Microsoft have spent years developing AI systems to improve their products’ functionality, such as targeted advertising, search, and translations.

While Musk’s involvement in X.AI corporation may seem at odds with his previous statements, it is worth noting that the company is in its early stages, and its objectives remain unclear. It is possible that Musk intends to use X.AI to develop AI systems that are more transparent and safe for society, given his concerns about unregulated AI development.

In any case, the emergence of X.AI and Musk’s involvement in it highlight the ongoing debate about AI development and its implications for society. The risks associated with AI development and deployment are clear, but so are the potential benefits. The challenge for society is to find a way to harness the benefits of AI while minimizing the risks.

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